https://wv{{wolkvox_server}}.wolkvox.com/api/v2/reports_manager.php?api=agent_1&date_ini={{YYYYmmddHHiiss}}&date_end={{YYYYmmddHHiiss}} Description: This report provides a complete view of agent management by summarizing the advisor‘s activity individually, indicating the total of managed calls (inbound/outbound/internal), the time used in each phase of customer service (ring time, ACW and AHT), date and time of Log In/Log Out, in addition to the amount of hits and RPC. Type of request: GET How it works:
- This API is consumed by GET method.
- To consume this API, you must replace {ip_ipdialbox} in the url with the nomenclature of the operation server and {token} generated from Wolkvox Manager to obtain the information securely.
- Please note that the same token cannot be consumed simultaneously, so you can program the next API to be consumed when the result of the previous one is successful.
- In terms of time, to track your operation you can make a consumption every 5 minutes of the information.
api | Tipo de reporte requerido | String |
date_ini | Initial Date (YYYYmmddHHiiss) | String |
date_end | Final Date (YYYYmmddHHiiss) | String |
agent_id | It is the numerical user that is assigned to each of the Wolkvox Agent users. | String |
agent_dni | It is the identification document of each of the Wolkvox Agent users. | String |
agent_name | It is the name that is assigned to each of the Wolkvox Agent users. | String |
calls | Indicates number of calls (inbound, outbound and internal) | String |
inbound | The number of incoming calls handled by the agent. | String |
outbound | The number of outgoing calls handled by an agent. | String |
internal | Refers to calls handled within the operation. | String |
ready_time | It indicates the time the agent has remained in ready auxiliary state. | String |
inbound_time | Indicate the time the agent has handled incoming calls. | String |
outbound_time | Indicate the time the agent has handled outgoing calls. | String |
acw_time | It is the time the agent has spent developing activities required after the call is finished. | String |
ring_time | Indicates the time elapsed from when the call is dialed until it is answered. | String |
login_time | Indicates the time the agent remained connected to Wolkvox Agent. | String |
aht | Average Handling Time or Call Average Time measures the time it takes for an agent to attend to a customer. | String |
occupancy | Indicate the total time the agent was on calls or call documentation. | String |
aux_time | It is the time the agent has been in auxiliary states. | String |
hits | Agent performance indicator which indicates successful achievement or sale. | String |
rpc | Calls successfully processed during the first call made by the customer. This is First Contact Resolution. | String |
aht_outbund | Average Handling Time measures the amount of time a agent takes to handle outbound calls. | String |
aht_inbound | Average Handling Time measures the amount of time a agent takes to handle incoming calls. | String |
login | Indicate the start date and time of the agents‘ session. | String |
logout | Indicate the end date and time of the agents‘ session. | String |