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Agent APIs

Show / Hide buttons




This API allows hiding or showing three key elements: the call button, the categorization panel, and the hang-up button.


By using this API, you gain flexibility in the agent interface, experience optimization, operational efficiency, and control of access to functionalities.

How does it work?

  • The consumption of this API is done through the POST method.
  • Replace {{wolkvox_server}} in the URL with the nomenclature of your operation on the server.
  • You must replace {{agent_id}} with the extension number of the agent assigned in the wolkvox system.
  • You must replace {{display}} with “show” if you want the button to be displayed or “hide” if you want the button to be hidden.
  • You must replace {{button}} with the button you want to show or hide. “hungup” to refer to the hang-up button, “disposition” which is the categorization panel, and “dial” which is the call button.
  • You should use “wolkvox-token: {{token}}” in the HEADER and replace {{token}} with the authorization token generated in your wolkvox operation.
  • Keep in mind that the same token cannot be consumed simultaneously, so you can schedule the next API to be consumed when the result of the previous one is successful.
  • The agent APIs v2 require an authentication token for access; however, the use of this token does not affect the assigned consumption. It is important to note that all other restrictions and limits set for API consumption remain applicable when using the agent v2 APIs.
  • Limit of records that can be downloaded per consumption: 60,000 records.
  • Limit of records that can be uploaded per consumption: 10,000 records.
  • Limit of days queried in dates: 31 days.
  • Limit of result weight: 256 MB.
  • API consumption time limit: 60 seconds.
  • Concurrent consumption limit of a token: 2 simultaneous requests.
  • Daily limit of tokens: Number of licenses multiplied by 1000 daily tokens.
  • Note: This API is compatible with both wolkvox Desktop Agent and web version.
tokenToken code generated in the Wolkvox Manager application.INT
wolkvox_serverServer nomenclature where your operation is located. This code is provided by support personnel.INT
agent_idExtension number of the agent assigned in the Wolkvox system.INT
displayIndicate ‘show’ if you want the button to be displayed or ‘hide’ if you want to hide the button.STRING
buttonReference the hang-up button as “hungup”, the categorization panel as “disposition”, or the call button as “dial”.STRING
codeIndicate the response status code.String
errorProvide detailed information about any error that may occur during the execution of the API. The value ‘null’ indicates that no errors occurred and the API execution was successful.String
msgIt is an informative message that describes the response.String
dataIt contains the data or dataset obtained when consuming the API. In other words, it stores the specific information related to the operation performed via the API.JSON Object
Possible response codes


    "code": "200",
    "error": null,
    "msg": "default",
    "data": "Agentbox has been show"


    "code": "200",
    "error": null,
    "msg": "default",
    "data": "Agentbox has been hide"
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