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APIs Speech Analytics

1. Speech Calls




API that allows generating speech analytics information and all voice to text conversion analysis in calls.


It allows to optimize the analysis of voice to text conversions without having to listen to the recordings of the calls.

How it works:

  • This API is consumed by GET method.
  • To consume this API you must replace in the URL {{wolkvox_server}} by the nomenclature of the server of the operation.
  • The wolkvoxtoken header must be used to use the authorization token.
  • Keep in mind that the same token cannot be consumed simultaneously, so you can program that the next API is consumed when the result of the previous one is successful.
  • The fields {{filter}} and {{value}} are optional and allow for more convenient information filtering. Therefore, the URL can be as follows: https://wv{{wolkvox_server}}{{YYYYmmddHHiiss}}&date_end={{YYYYmmddHHiiss}}
  • Limit of records that can be downloaded per consumption: 60,000 records.
  • Limit of records that can be uploaded per consumption: 10,000 records.
  • Limit of days queried in dates: 31 days.
  • Limit of result weight: 256 MB.
  • API consumption time limit: 60 seconds.
  • Concurrent consumption limit of a token: 2 simultaneous requests.
  • Daily limit of tokens: Number of licenses multiplied by 1000 daily tokens.


api Type of report required String
date_ini Initial Date (YYYYmmddHHiiss) String
date_end Final Date (YYYYmmddHHiiss) String
filter Name of the column field or for filtering the search. It can take the values “id_call”, “id_agent”, “cod_act”, and “speech_to_text”. String
value Value to which the filter is to be applied String


conn_id It corresponds to the call ID String
agent_id It is the numerical user that is assigned to each of the wolkvox agents String
customer_phone It corresponds to the customer‘s phone String
time Indicates time in units of seconds String
date Indicates the date with yearmonthdayhour format String
cod_act Refers to the call classification  String
greeting Indicates if the agent greeted (yes) or not (no). String
slow_to_greet Indicates if there was a delay in greeting (yes/no). String
greeting_agent_name Indicates if the agent greets with their name (yes/no). String
category01 Category 1 customizable and configurable in the speech String
category02 Category 2 customizable and configurable in the speech String
category03 Category 3 customizable and configurable in the speech String
category04 Category 4 customizable and configurable in the speech String
category05 Category 5 customizable and configurable in the speech String
silence Percentage of silence in the call String
audio_text Voice to text conversion of the call String
customer_id Corresponds to the customer‘s identification number String
summary Summary of the call conversation String
feeling Average customer sentiment about the conversation. It can result in “Very negative”, “Negative”, “Neutral”, “Positive”, and “Very positive”. String
channel Channel to which the connector belongs. It can yield the values “voice”, “chat-whatsapp”, and “chat-sms”. String
Possible response codes


    "code": "200",
    "error": null,
    "msg": "1 records were found",
    "data": [
            "conn_id": "",
            "agent_id": "",
            "customer_phone": "",
            "time": "",
            "date": "",
            "cod_act": "",
            "greeting": "",
            "slow_to_greet": "",
            "greeting_agent_name": "",
            "category01": "",
            "category02": "",
            "category03": "",
            "category04": "",
            "category05": "",
            "silence": "",
            "audio_text": "",
            "summary": "",
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